Wednesday, July 8, 2009

C+C Music Factory

Unashamedly scraped from:

Things That Make You Go Hmm...

If pro is the opposite of con, what is the opposite of progress?

If electricity comes from electrons, does morality come from morons?

Do the actors on Unsolved Mysteries or America's Most Wanted ever get arrested because they
look like the criminal they are playing?

How did singer K-Ci get 2 years probation for indecent exposure and yet Eminem got only one year for assault with a deadly weapon?

Speaking of Eminem, why is it that BET got pissed when he made fun of Michael Jackson, but kept quiet when he talked about gays and women?

Did anyone else feel old upon realizing that kids who like Power Rangers and Ninja Turtles nowadays weren't even born when the shows first came on?

Why do you pay extra to get something put on your sandwich but don't get a discount when something is taken off?

If scientists were ever going to figure out how to travel through time, wouldn’t we now be seeing people from the future?

Why do we teach kids that violence is not the answer and then have them read about wars in school that solved America's problems?

Doesn't mainstream hiphop nowadays sound like one bad 2pac cover album after the other?

When people say "PIN number," do they know they're saying "Personal Identification Number Number?

How is it that we put man on the moon before we thought to put wheels on luggage?

What's the difference between partly cloudy and partly sunny?

Why are public toilet seats never complete ovals?

Why do labels on children’s medacine say not to drive or operate heavy machinery?

Can we all agree that MTV2 should be the main channel and MTV with all its pointless shows, the backup?

If you are born on February 29 of a leap year, when is your birthday?

If you had x-ray vision and could see through anything, wouldn't you see through everything and actually see nothing?

Speaking of Superman, why do people in Metropolis get excited if they really thought they saw a bird or plane?

If an anarchist group attained political power, would they by principle have to dissolve their own government?

Why is the name for fear of long words Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia?

Who the hell keeps giving basketball players recording deals?

If it's zero degrees outside today and it's supposed to be twice as cold tomorrow, how cold is it going to be?

If a person owns a piece of land, do they own it all the way down to the core of the earth?

Why are Christmas lights packaged with the warning "For indoor or outdoor use only"? Where else would you put them?

Why do drugstores make the sick walk all the way to the back of the store to get their prescriptions while healthy people can buy cigarettes at the front?

How can bottled water go out of date?

Why does lemon dishsoap contain real lemons, but lemon juice is artificial flavoring?

If the professor on Giligan's Island can make a radio out of coconut, why couldn't he fix a hole in a boat?

Why do people never say "it's only a game" when they're winning?

Why is Goofy sentinent while Pluto isn't? They're both dogs!

Since Bugs Bunny walks around naked, why does he put a bathing suit on when he goes swimming?

If a truck is loaded with Helium, would it weigh less than when it was empty? Wouldn't it get better fuel mileage?

Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

If Wile E. Coyote had enough money for all that Acme crap, why didn't he just buy roadrunner for dinner?

Why are needles for lethal injections sterilized?

If The Flintstones were B.C., how could they have Christmas or Thanksgiving specials?

Why is it good to be Daddy's little girl, but bad to be a Momma's boy?

Why do grocery stores have so many checkout line registers but only keep 3 or 4 open?

What should you do if you see an endangered animal eating an endangered plant?

Isn't the 13th floor still chronologically the 13th even if it's named the 14th?

...And wouldn't naming it the 14th floor just anger the bad luck gods and bring even more unfortunate events?

Are there interstate highways in Hawaii?

Why do drive-thru ATMs have braille code on them?

Wouldn't you love to see me on The Real World?

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